Chiropractic Care

To find out why your body has stopped healing and to work out which techniques will be right for you everyone always starts their journey with an initial consultation.

Pain Free Experience
Long Lasting Results
Exclusive to Bournemouth

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Chiropractic Care - How Does It Work?

At Pure Chiropractic we focus on working with the nervous system, (Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves) to release stored tension patterns. These patterns can be the cause of pain in many areas of your body such as your back, neck, joints, and shoulders. They can also be creating headaches, feelings of stress, anxiety, and lack of clarity.  

Through our nervous system we perceive, adapt, and interact with our world. This system is extremely clever and works hard to protect us by making adaptations according to our environment. When the body perceives a threat in life, be it physical, chemical, or emotional, it reacts by physically changing our posture from ease to defence. 

Chiropractic is at the core of what we offer at Pure Chiropractic. We combine this with Massage, mind balancing techniques such as breathing and hypnotherapy and supplementation to help reduce the physical, chemical and emotional stress that caused our bodies to react and breakdown in the first place. Helping to ensure we not only help you to heal but stay happy and healthy as well.

Step 1 - Your Consultation

At Pure Chiropractic we offer a thorough Consultation that involves an in-depth history and our unique combination of testing

Thermal Scans

This detects heat in your spine and areas of inflammation. Highlighting exactly where the problem areas are.

Postural Analysis

This shows us your spinal alignment and how it is affecting the way you sit, stand, and move.

Heart Rate Variability

This measures the balance between your stress and rest systems. Showing us how well your body is healing.

Plus, any Chiropractic, Orthopaedic or Neurological testing necessary to get to the root cause of your problem and create your bespoke healing plan.

This is then followed by a report, where your chiropractor will tell you exactly what they have found, what it all means and how we can help.

Step 2 - Your Care

Our aim is to optimise your body to heal, therefore Chiropractic is at the core of what we do. Each treatment starts with a session on our roller beds. Which encourages you and your body into a relaxed state, helping to prepare your spine for adjustment. Your chiropractor will use a combination of different techniques to help the body heal itself. These range from manual diversified adjustments to more gentle tonal techniques, which activate your nervous system more efficiently so it can function at its optimum ability.


Like our Chiropractors our Bodywork therapists use a combination of different therapeutic and energy balancing techniques. These include Massage, Acupuncture, Cupping and Reiki, all with the aim of relieve muscle tension and stress in your mind and body. 

How can we help?

Our aim is to optimise your body to heal, therefore Chiropractic is at the core of what we do. Each treatment starts with a session on our roller beds. Which encourages you and your body into a relaxed state, helping to prepare your spine for adjustment. Your chiropractor will use a combination of different techniques to help the body heal itself. These range from manual diversified adjustments to more gentle tonal techniques, which activate your nervous system more efficiently so it can function at its optimum ability.


Like our Chiropractors our Massage therapists use a combination of different therapeutic and energy balancing techniques. These include Massage and energy based techniques such as Reiki, all with the aim of relieving muscle tension and stress in your mind and body. 


At Pure chiropractic we offer a specific range of supplements tailored to Chiropractic Care. Your Chiropractor will advise and prescribe you the necessary supplements to further improve your bodies ability to heal and ensure you get the results you are looking for as quickly a possible.